Development of Printing Industry in Taiwan and Hong Kong 1.3

Section 3 Printing Education in Taiwan and Hong Kong

Printing Vocational Education > I. Taiwanese Printing Vocational Education

The formal printing education in Taiwan is divided into several levels: printing vocational education, printing specialty education, printing university (undergraduate) education and printing graduate education. After more than 40 years of development, a relatively complete education system has been established. One of the more formalized print vocational education programs is the Printing Division of the Taipei City Daan Advanced Industrial Vocational School, the Printing Division of the Kaohsiung Senior Industrial Vocational School in Kaohsiung City, and the Printing Division of the Taiwan Provincial High-ranking Industrial Vocational School in Taiwan.

1. Taipei City Daan Senior Industrial Vocational School Printing Division

Daan Gaogong was established in Taipei in 1940 and formerly known as Taipei City Business School. After Japan surrendered, it was renamed Taipei Municipal Primary Industry Vocational School. The Printing Division was established in 1956. In 1958, it was officially renamed Taipei City High-level Industrial Vocational School. There is a day school and night department. The school is divided into regular classes and teaching classes. The printing department daily enrolls two classes for freshmen, and by the end of 1994, 3,274 students (including teaching classes) have been graduated.

2. Taiwan Provincial High School of Industrial Vocational School Printing Division

Established in 1938, the Taichung Senior Engineer was established in 1968. It is the youngest of the three high-tech printing branches in Taiwan. In 1975, the school also set up a rotating cooperative teaching program to recruit junior high school graduates. During the three-year study period, the students rotate regularly between the school and the factory. If they can obtain C-level technicians (primary workers) before graduation, the school will issue the senior industrial vocational school diploma. By 1994, there were 3478 students who had graduated from the school (including rotating tutoring classes).

3. Kaohsiung Kaohsiung Senior Industrial Vocational School Printing Division

Kaohsiung Gaogong Printing Branch was established in 1964. Before 1978, only 30 students from junior high schools were enrolled in each session. In 1977, the establishment of a rotating cooperative teaching program was started. After that, the number of students enrolled each year increases year by year. From 1988 onwards, 200 to 240 students from junior high schools (secondary) were enrolled in each session. The classes were divided into 4 classes. Classes were taught in 2 classes and 2 in class. 3 Rotate after a few months.

The teaching of the Printing Sections of the above three vocational schools is shown in Table 26-14.

In addition to the above three higher vocational printing branches, the "Printing Industry Technology Research Center" legal entity established jointly by the Industrial Development Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Taiwan Printing Industry Association in March 1993 has an education and training group. The post-secondary education of industrial employees, including pre-press, printing, post-press processing, business management, and other related courses, was completed; by June 1998, 2,400 students had completed business.

Table 26-14 Overview of Printing Technology Vocational Education in Taiwan

The name of the senior industrial vocational school The number of graduates in previous years (including the establishment of teaching classes) The number of existing teachers Rotary education cooperation class Previous graduation number Daan Gaogong 327416181 Taichung Senior Engineer 159,612,649 Kaohsiung senior engineer 19648511 Total 6734362344

Note: This table was taken from Taiwan's "Yearbook of Printing" in 1994.

Printing Technology Higher Education - University Education Taiwan "printing yearbook", Li Xingcai "print education." > Second, Taiwan's printing technology higher education - university education Taiwan "printing yearbook", Li Xingcai "print education."

1. Department of Print Communication, China Culture University

The predecessor of the Department of Print Communication of the Chinese University of Culture was the three-year printing industry specialization department of the Chinese Culture Institute established in Huagang, Yangmingshan in 1966. In 1968, the three-year program was reorganized into a four-year one. . In 1980, the Chinese Cultural Institute was renamed as the Chinese Culture University. In 1988, the Department of Printing became a School of Journalism and Communication. In 1992, it was renamed the Department of Print Communication.

Since 1975, the Department of Day and Night Ministry has been teaching. By 1997, 2452 students had graduated and more than 600 students were in school. To enable students to adapt to the needs of social employment after graduating, they will adjust the teaching of the three classes of the day and night into the three directions of print communication design, print communication technology, and print communication management, so that students can each have their expertise in three different directions.

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2. Department of Graphic Communication Technology, Taiwan Normal University

In 1954, the Department of Industrial Pedagogy of the Taiwan Normal University established the Printing Vocational Education Section to train printed professional teachers for printing advanced vocational schools. In 1978, the Printing Department was established in the Department of Industrial Education, and in 1988 it was renamed the Communication Design Section. Normal education is a public fee, but due to the limited number of employment places after graduation from publicly-funded students, there are only 4 to 5 people enrolling publicly-funded students each year. In order to make full use of educational resources, a public-funded, self-financed parallel enrollment system has been implemented since 1995. . Self-employed students for 4 years, public expense students for 5 years. 19 In 1997, the dissemination design team of the Department of Engineering and Education expanded and independently became the Department of Graphic Communication Technology. In the past, the department was co-cultivating a total of 124 teachers in the Printing Senior Vocational School and students in the school.

3. Department of Surveying and Mapping of Zhongzheng Institute of Technology

In the thirty years of Guangxu dynasty (1904), the Qing government set up a surveying and mapping school in Beijing, and later called the "Beijing Surveyor's Army Surveying and Mapping Academy." It set up the Cartography Section and opened map printing courses such as engraving, electroplating, photography, plate making, and printing. After the Republic of China, the school moved from Peking to Nanjing and was renamed the "Central Land Survey School" and "Central Measurement School". In 1949 the school moved to Taiwan. In 1969, the School of Measurement was merged with the Army Institute of Technology and the Naval Academy of Engineering to establish the China Institute of Technology. The Survey Engineering Department of the Department of Survey Engineering was changed to the Mapping Group of the Department of Surveying and Mapping Engineering.

In recent years, due to streamlined staffing and reduced demand, the Surveying and Mapping Engineering Department has started to enroll self-funded students and enrolled at both the expense of men and women since 1996. It has also set up surveying and mapping groups at the Institute of Engineering (including map editing and printing) and graduated students in Taiwan. More than 300 people, in addition to the map printing system, are mostly serving in the printing industry.

4. Department of Print Art, Taiwan Arts Institute

The predecessor of the Print Art Department of the Taiwan Arts Academy is the Fine Arts Printing Section of the Taiwan Art School established in 1955. In 1958, the art school was renamed the art school.

It is a major feature of the school’s teaching to integrate arts and arts disciplines in arts with printing science and technology disciplines based on physics, chemistry, and mechanics. In order to enable students to learn their majors in the arts or sciences and sciences, the school has implemented sub-group A (Science and Technology) and B-entry (arts) subjects. From 1955 to 1958 recruited five-year college students four times. Since 1962, recruiting a three-year college student A group 15 times. Since 1977, he has recruited eight students of the three-year specialization B group. In 1985, the recruitment of the second group was abolished and the recruitment of the first group was resumed. Since 1994, Taiwan's College of the Arts has been promoted to the Taiwan Art Institute, and the Fine Arts Department has also been upgraded to the Department of Print Art. Each year, 30 students are enrolled. By 1996, the university had graduated more than 1,000 students in 32 sessions.

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5. Department of Graphic Communication Science and Technology, Shishin University

The former Department of Printing Photography of the School of World Journalism and Communication was formerly the Print Academy of the World Press College, which was founded in 1969. The school is a journalism-professional school, and printing photography naturally assumes the purpose of news service. We started with a three-year print photography program to recruit high school graduates. In 1970, a four-year night department was added. The curriculum standards are the same as the three-year day department. In 19 and 71, it set up a five-year print photography department to recruit junior high school graduates. The school recruits 180 students each year. There are about 700 students in the school. By the end of 1994, 3339 students had graduated. This is the highest number of graduates from Taiwan's printing majors. In 1991, the World Press College was upgraded to the School of World Journalism and Communication, and the Department of Printing Photography was also promoted to the Department of Printing Photography, which divided printing and photography into two groups. In 1997, Shihshin University was restructured as Shihshin University, and the Department of Printing Photography was also renamed the Department of Graphic Communication Technology. There are still two groups of photography and printing.

The above 5 printed colleges and universities are listed in Table 26-15.

Higher Education in Printing Technology - Postgraduate Education> Third, Printing Technology in Taiwan Higher Education - Graduate Education

Taiwan "Printing Yearbook", Li Xingcai "Higher Printing Teaching

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