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The 30th Dongguan Famous Furniture Exhibition closed for 5 days. From the perspective of this exhibition, more and more furniture companies are “electric shock”. The “online” era of the traditional furniture industry has come, and the development trend is irreversible. However, for the furniture e-commerce company that has just started, it is difficult to find online furniture. There is still a long way to go before "making a small deal" to make a small amount of money to achieve the "big deal".

Home e-commerce logistics distribution is slow

Liu Jie, CEO of Home Fortune magazine, summed up the current problems of furniture e-commerce: “Consumers buy furniture online, most of them like to find cheaper prices. This makes many people think that the furniture bought online is cheap and low quality. Liu Jie said that online shopping furniture, consumers have difficulty to have an intuitive understanding of the goods, in addition to slow logistics and delivery, after-sales service can not keep up, is a widespread problem of furniture e-commerce.

Fu Kai, chairman of Guangdong Jushang Internet Technology Co., Ltd., also pointed out the obstacles in the development of furniture e-commerce. “Is your product online and offline price unified? How does the consumer offline experience connect with online purchase? Is the online and offline products consistent? What if the product sales have local protection?” He believes that most Furniture e-commerce only considers e-commerce as a project and does not regard it as a system engineering of an enterprise. “When it comes to system engineering, it may take millions or tens of millions to invest in it, and companies are not willing to invest.”

Offline personalized service online furniture affordable

How does furniture e-commerce transform? Liu Hong, vice president of Gujiajiao, believes that the current furniture e-commerce needs to reform the traditional furniture manufacturing methods to produce some light furniture and fast fashion furniture to meet the market demand for younger; at the same time, solve the problem of traditional furniture logistics difficulties. For example, Haier Rishun Home Service is recognized as a company that can do a “last mile” – after-sales service project. The general manager of the company, Wang Yuefeng admits that the reason for solving the logistics after-sales problem is to use the Haier Group for many years. Accumulated after-sales service experience, and acquired the effect achieved by many small home service companies.

Wang Xiaokang, the general manager of the home appliance business, said that the current furniture e-commerce mainly focuses on the B 2C (business-to-guest) model. According to the statistics of the Taobao Tmall Mall, such furniture e-commerce, the price of furniture customers generally does not exceed 3,000 yuan. "The 3,000 yuan customer price, if you want to improve, you can not use a B 2C mode. Furniture e-commerce is not to open a Taobao flagship store." He said: "For example, you have been using the wrong way to hold the racket to play badminton, The amateur has played for more than ten years and played well. But once you enter the regular badminton event, you can use the previous method to hold the shot, which is a foul."

He suggested that the traditional furniture industry must enter the e-commerce business and must “reluctantly” transform itself. This transformation is from B2B to O 2O (O nlineT oO ffline) mode. That is, the mode of combining offline business opportunities with the Internet: providing consumers with personalized services online, and then allowing consumers to purchase affordable furniture products online.

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